
Preparing Your Winter Garden

Winter is quickly approaching, that doesn't mean that all your hard to work has to go to waste, don't let it beat your garden. Keep yours in tip top shape by following these winter gardening tips.

Clean up

For your winter preparation, the first thing to do is remove any weeds and any diseased leaves should be removed from trees and shrubs.

Cut back any perennials in preparation for spring, these should be cut to around 6 to 8 inches above ground.

As winter approaches any annuals need to be dug up and put on the compost heap, as they will be soon past their best.

The Lawn

Fertilise the lawn in preparation for the winter weather. Fertiliser will help your lawn to battle the cold and frost. Using a fertiliser without a herbicide in it, is preferred for winter care and one with nitrogen and slow release is a good choice.

Your lawn will also benefit from the removal of autumn leaves as a build-up of these can smother the lawn. Smothering can create disease conditions and invite insects and other unwanted pests to your garden.

Only mow the lawn if necessary, depending on conditions and temperatures. Do not mow if the lawn is very wet or bad frost is expected.

Winter Mulch

Mulching over the winter protects plants from the drastic temperature changes that winter brings, as it insulates them against the cold. Mulching is best done after the first frost.

Mulch can be made from dried leaves, pine needles, shredded bark. This will provide a good layer of protection. 4 to 6 inches of mulch will be enough.

Mulch can also be used on plants in containers, perfect if you don't have room for them indoors. Cover the soil with a large amount of mulch and wrap the container in bubble-wrap!

Cleaning and storing tools and furniture

Winter is the time to give your tools some TLC. Give your tools a good clean and sharpen and oil if necessary. Store them in a cool dry place during the winter. Garden furniture should also be stored undercover during the winter weather. A weatherproof garden shed is the perfect place to store your gardening items and furniture during the winter, as they will protect your items from the elements. A range of weatherproof metal garden sheds are available from Asgard, just what you need to see you through the winter months.

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