
Knotweed: Why It's Such a Dangerous Pest

Japanese Knotweed is considered today as one of the biggest threats to property and the safety of buildings, roads, bridges, pipelines and other structures. The tough, resilient roots can penetrate rock, soil, concrete, building foundations, tarmac and drainage/sewerage systems, causing structural damage that weakens them which ultimately leads to their collapse.

Knotweed roots and rhizomes can grow as deep as nine meters into the soil, remain dormant for up to twenty years and withstand extreme freezing temperatures. Each centimeter of root can put out one plant every 10 days and stems can grow up to four inches per day. Their lush green foliage chokes native plant species, posing a huge threat to landscaping, gardens, golf-courses and parks. In winter, the plant sheds its leaves, which clog up drains and channels.

Apart from this, the other hazards of Knotweed are danger to property through the spread of its huge underground root system. They can creep through underground drainage, crossing all solid barriers and choke the pipelines, grow through pavements and walls and make buildings dangerous for human beings and animals. One of the issues with Knotweed in the UK is that unlike the small-sized original Japanese plant which was introduced as an ornamental plant in the 19th century, it has now mutated into a massively large species. The indigenous pests and plants that naturally control its growth and spread in Japan are not present here, so it grows unchecked, leading to destruction of native plants and insects.

Currently, property and mortgage values in areas where Knotweed grows become drastically devalued. In many cases, home-owners have had to experience what almost resembles a horror movie, with an indestructible alien overwhelming their homes and lives. Fears of being sued by neighbors whose property can be similarly invaded can make their lives miserable. They can also be held legally responsible for allowing the plant to spread causing damage to public property like roads, water-supply, drainage systems and buildings. Clogging of waterways can also cause floods.

Eradication by conventional methods is almost impossible, as the roots are often too deep to remove. Herbicides may not always be effective and they're also hazardous to other plants in large quantities, and treatment can be long-drawn out and highly expensive. Many home-owners have been advised to demolish their homes as the only viable solution, as it can take up to three years of consistent herbicide spraying, rhizome-destruction and sanitizing of surrounding areas to clear the area of infestation. Methods like root cell-burial, deep excavation and putting in root barriers can be effective but expensive.

Ultimately, dealing with such invasive weeds is a matter of staying vigilant and knowing exactly what grows in your garden and in the neighborhood and taking early steps to eradicate it before it invades the locality.

Welcome to the world of TP - Knotweed provides knotweed removal, eradication, and control services throughout the UK. We have fully trained Japanese Knot Weed contractors. For more detail visit our website Tpknotweed.

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