
Landscaping Your Nursery Trees With Fertilizer

Water-soluble fertilizers are used for a few reasons such as to speed up the greening process which is due to the nitrogen (N) present in the fertilizer, easy to apply, inexpensive to use, easy to handle, and are easily available at garden centers or nurseries.

Fertilizers are labeled with three numbers which give the percentage of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P205), and potassium (K20). A 50 pound bag of fertilizer that is labeled 10-10-10 has 10 pounds of nitrogen, 10 pounds of phosphorus, 10 pounds of potassium and 20 pounds of filler; filling being added to reduce or limit the possibility of burning roots or plants with the strength of fertilizer and also making it easier to spread.

If you're concerned about using a chemical fertilizer, there are natural fertilizers available in liquid form that works quite well for your shrubs and trees. Corn gluten meal (natural byproduct of wet-milling process of corn), fish emulsion, seaweed/kelp and humates (metal (mineral) salts of humic or fulvic acids) are all powerful natural fertilizers and soil amendments.

Compost which is made up of composting organic garden waste and scraps from the kitchen such as coffee grinds, potato peelings etc., can help improve drainage, add nutrients to your soil and help the plant's immune systems. A tree nursery or plant nursery can certainly help you with organic fertilizers.

Seaweed/Kelp meal fertilizer comes from the brown seaweed which is harvested from the cold ocean waters. Dried kelp preserves essential minerals, organic material and maintains a high content of plant growth hormones. Fish emulsion (fish meal) provides good amounts of phosphorous and organic nitrogen. It is considered both an organic fertilizer, rated 10-5-0 as well as plant food.

The easiest way to apply fertilizer is on the soil surface, but do not spread it too far from the tree. To get phosphorus and potassium directly into the area of the roots, fertilizer must be added below the soil surface. Holes can be drilled in the soil with a power auger that is slanted towards the center of the tree, to a depth of 8-12". Add the fertilizer into the available holes, being sure to water thoroughly to activate the fertilizer into a solution.

These are some suggestions for fertilizing your plants or trees, but any questions pertaining to fertilizing can be answered by your favorite nursery, whether they are a plant nursery, tree nursery or wholesale nursery, so be sure to bookmark your favorite and ask away!

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