The Best Sunlight Supply
Although many greenhouses are designed to soak in as much of the outside light is possible, sunlight supply is needed for nighttime as well as for cold winter months. Having a form of natural sunlight to promote plant growth is important and anyway that you can cut down on the cost of your sunlight supply can only help your business to grow and be more successful. 400 W HPS bulbs are one of the best lighting systems that you can use for a sunlight supply today. The following article will explain some of the great advantages that you could experience by switching over to 400 W HPS bulbs.
Edit the three different types of greenhouse ceiling lights there are high-intensity lamps, fluorescent lamps, and incandescent lamps. The high-intensity lamps include these high pressure sodium bulbs which can emit extremely high levels of light.
One single 400 W HPS bulb should be able to cover an area the greenhouse of roughly 4' x 4' well still extending its light out as far as 8 feet in a square. Small greenhouses may need only one fixture in order to cover the area well for plant growth. For larger greenhouses it's possible to cover more space with less fixtures when switching over to 400 W HPS bulbs. As a result you can drastically reduce your lighting bill by reducing the number of fixtures as well as the number of bulbs that are in your greenhouse. Replacement of extra bulbs is also taking care of and reduced because of the extended life of a high-pressure sodium bulb. Typically a 400 W HPS bulb will be able to run for 18,000 hours without any form of replacement or dimming. This is a much longer shelf life than many traditional forms of sunlight supply meaning that you can drastically cut down on your lighting costs with less fixtures and also longer bulb lifespan.
Efficiency is also increased when using these types of bulbs because their power consumption is far less than traditional incandescent bulbs. To power the same incandescent bulb to produce even less light, it might take up to 40% more power which is quite substantial over the area of a large greenhouse and multiple fixtures. Being able to save 40% of the cost of your entire greenhouse energy budget will help you with dramatic cost savings. With even less fixtures and a reduced lighting replacement budget as well you can work to save even greater amounts of money off of the cost of your sunlight supply. There is no telling what your savings could be by switching over to 400 W HPS bulbs and you may want to measure out your greenhouse area to see roughly how many fixtures you would need.
If you are looking for the best sunlight supply 400 W HPS bulbs can certainly provide you with an excellent option for high-efficiency lighting that can provide you excellent cost savings and bulb life. Do not hesitate to contact an expert to learn more about the cost savings that you could see by switching over to 400 W HPS bulbs in your greenhouse.
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