Things to Do in the Garden This Month - August
It's the hottest part of the year, so you need to keep on top of watering your plants to make the most of it. Water at the beginning or end of the day to stop it evaporating in the heat and give it time to soak in.
Pot up any strawberry runners to get free plants!
If you want an easy way to get some extra strawberry plants, just look for any which have sent out runners - these are shoots from the main plant which have a miniature plant on the end. You can snip them off, pot them up and then plant them out next year.
Harvest veg when ready
With most vegetables, the more you pick them, the more they grow (especially beans and courgettes!) so keep picking and freeze any you can't use now. Pick vegetables like sweetcorn on sunny days for the best flavour.
Feed your tubs and containers
To keep your hanging baskets or containers looking great, give them a dose of liquid tomato feed. This can even perk up tired looking border plants.
Deadhead flowering plants
Use a sharp pair of secatuers to snip off flowers which are past their best on shrubs like roses. This means the plant will stay healthy and put its energy into producing more flowers.
Give hedges a trim
Give any hedges a tidy up now as they will stop growing once the weather gets colder. Just watch out for any nesting birds before you get stuck in with the hedge trimmer!
Regularly water your plants
Even if it doesn't seem that hot, plants can easily dry out at this time of year. Watch out for trees and shrubs becoming drought stressed and give them a good soaking. Try to use recycled or rain water where you can.
Cut the lawn often
Keep your lawn healthy by cutting it often - try to avoid cutting it too short or cutting it in full sun as it can go brown or dry out.
Check fruit crops
With a bit of luck your fruit trees should be carrying a good crop, but if all those fruit get to full size the weight can damage the branches. Pull off any fruit which is damaged, diseased or look unusually small to reduce the weight or the branches. You may need to remove more fruit to reduce the weight further - it seems a shame, but is better than damaging the tree in the long run.
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